Real Life Intermediate Test Book Pdf
The goals are designed to help learners achieve an outcome that they have to do in real life. They allow learners to develop a range of speaking skills, while the grammar and vocabulary input are designed to help learners achieve that speaking goal.
real life intermediate test book pdf
Description: Develops conceptual understanding, problem-solving, decision-making and analytic skills dealing with quantities and their magnitudes and interrelationships, using calculators and personal computers as tools. Includes: computing statistical measures such as central tendency and dispersion; computing correlation coefficients and regression equations; using normal distributions to test hypotheses; using logical statements and arguments in a real-world context; solving systems of equations and inequalities and modeling data; solving mathematical finance problems; and selecting and using appropriate approaches and tools in formulating and solving real-world problems. IAI M1 901
Description: Completes the two course sequence that begins with MTH 130 and focuses on mathematical reasoning and the solving of real-life problems, rather than on routine skills. The following topics will be studied in depth: geometry, counting techniques and probability, logic and statistics. Students are expected to be active participants in the learning process. Calculators and computers will be used throughout the course. A weekly lab component is required. IAI M1 903
Description: Focuses on statistical reasoning and the solving of problems using real-world data rather than on computational skills. The use of technology-based computations (more advanced than a basic scientific calculator, such as graphing calculators with a statistical package, spreadsheets, or statistical computing software) is required with an emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of statistical results. Topics must include data collection processes (observational studies, experimental design, sampling techniques, bias), descriptive methods using quantitative and qualitative data, bivariate data, correlation, and least squares regression, basic probability theory, probability distributions (normal distributions and normal curve, binomial distribution), confidence intervals and hypothesis tests using p-values. (Credit will be given for either MTH 162 or MTH 165 or MTH 225, but not for more than one of these courses.) IAI M1 902
Description: This course is only offered in the spring term. Provides a crucial bridge between intermediate and advanced language courses. Focuses on a more in-depth study of history, geography, literature, and culture of French-speaking people. Includes analysis of daily life and current events. Students practice more complex structures of French grammar, fine-tune pronunciation, gain more advanced skills in composition, and continue to expand their vocabulary. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in French should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H1 900
Description: This course is only offered in the spring term. Provides a crucial bridge between intermediate and advanced language courses. Focuses on a more in-depth study of history, geography, literature, and culture of German-speaking people. Includes analysis of daily life and current events. Students practice more complex structures of German grammar, fine-tune pronunciation, gain more advanced skills in composition, and continue to expand their vocabulary. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in German should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H1 900
Description: Introduces the various types of children's literature. Includes the history of children's literature, as well as the classic and current authors and illustrators. Covers such areas as picture and concept books, myths, poetry, fantasy and realism. IAI H3 918
Description: Provides a crucial bridge between intermediate and advanced language courses. Focuses on a more in-depth study of history, geography, literature, and culture of Spanish-speaking people. Includes analysis of daily life and current events. Students practice more complex structures of Spanish grammar, fine-tune pronunciation, gain more advanced skills in composition, and continue to expand their vocabulary. Attention is given to complexity, accuracy, and fluency. All new students who have prior experience with or have taken classes in Spanish should consult with the department for placement before registering for a course. Instructions can be found on the World Languages website. IAI H1 900