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Vyacheslav Nekrasov
Vyacheslav Nekrasov

Facebook Credits Generator V 1.5 Password

The term "phishing" is said to have been coined by the well known spammer and hacker in the mid-90s, Khan C. Smith.[54] The first recorded mention of the term is found in the hacking tool AOHell (according to its creator), which included a function for attempting to steal the passwords or financial details of America Online users.[55][56]

facebook credits generator v 1.5 password

Phishing on AOL was a technique used by the warez community, who traded in unlicensed software, and black hat hackers to steal credit card information and commit other online crimes. AOL would suspend the accounts of individuals caught using certain keywords in chat rooms related to counterfeiting software or stolen accounts. The term "phishing" originated from the use of the citation needed]

AOHell was a custom-written program used for phishing and warezing on AOL. In an effort to combat phishing, AOL added a warning to all instant messages stating that they would never ask for passwords or billing information. However, users with both AOL and non-AOL internet accounts (such as those from an ISP) could still phish AOL members without consequences.[58] In 1995, AOL implemented measures to prevent the use of fake credit card numbers to open accounts, leading to an increase in phishing for legitimate accounts.[59] AOL deactivated accounts involved in phishing, and eventually the warez scene on AOL was shut down, causing most phishers to leave the service.[60]

The Bank of America website[164][165] is one of several that asks users to select a personal image (marketed as SiteKey) and displays this user-selected image with any forms that request a password. Users of the bank's online services are instructed to enter a password only when they see the image they selected. However, several studies suggest that few users refrain from entering their passwords when images are absent.[166][167] In addition, this feature (like other forms of two-factor authentication) is susceptible to other attacks, such as those suffered by Scandinavian bank Nordea in late 2005,[168] and Citibank in 2006.[169]

Still another technique relies on a dynamic grid of images that is different for each login attempt. The user must identify the pictures that fit their pre-chosen categories (such as dogs, cars and flowers). Only after they have correctly identified the pictures that fit their categories are they allowed to enter their alphanumeric password to complete the login. Unlike the static images used on the Bank of America website, a dynamic image-based authentication method creates a one-time passcode for the login, requires active participation from the user, and is very difficult for a phishing website to correctly replicate because it would need to display a different grid of randomly generated images that includes the user's secret categories.[173]

Organizations can implement two factor or multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires a user to use at least 2 factors when logging in. (For example, a user must both present a smart card and a password). This mitigates some risk, in the event of a successful phishing attack, the stolen password on its own cannot be reused to further breach the protected system. However, there are several attack methods which can defeat many of the typical systems.[182] MFA schemes such as WebAuthn address this issue by design.

Companies have also joined the effort to crack down on phishing. On March 31, 2005, Microsoft filed 117 federal lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. The lawsuits accuse "John Doe" defendants of obtaining passwords and confidential information. March 2005 also saw a partnership between Microsoft and the Australian government teaching law enforcement officials how to combat various cyber crimes, including phishing.[193] Microsoft announced a planned further 100 lawsuits outside the U.S. in March 2006,[194] followed by the commencement, as of November 2006, of 129 lawsuits mixing criminal and civil actions.[195] AOL reinforced its efforts against phishing[196] in early 2006 with three lawsuits[197] seeking a total of US$18 million under the 2005 amendments to the Virginia Computer Crimes Act,[198][199] and Earthlink has joined in by helping to identify six men subsequently charged with phishing fraud in Connecticut.[200]

When targeting Wi-Fi routers, hackers may try to brute-force WPA2 handshakes or phish for passwords. Once the Wi-Fi credentials have been acquired, they will begin mapping and fingerprinting the compromised network using a variety of techniques.

A new window will pop up. This is where the password and router name are to be specified. The credentials should be entered with the password and router name separated by a colon (e.g., password:router_name).

First, select the "wpa-pwd" Key type. This key type is required to set the WPA password in plain-text. The password to my "Null Byte" Wi-Fi network is a long encoded string, so I entered "bWN2a25yMmNuM2N6amszbS5vbmlvbg==:Null Byte" in the Key column. Another example would be "Wonderfulboat555:NETGEAR72," where "Wonderfulboat555" is the password to a "NETGEAR72" router.

The HTTP POST request method is often used when uploading a file or submitting usernames and passwords to a website. When someone logs into Facebook or posts a comment at the bottom of this article, it's done using a POST request.

POST data in the .cap will most likely hold the most compromising and revealing data. Attackers may find, usernames, passwords, real names, home addresses, email addresses, chat logs, and much more. To filter POST data, enter the below string into the display filter bar.

There's also a password form required by the website, which can be added to password lists and brute-force attacks. It's not uncommon for people to reuse passwords across multiple accounts. It's certainly possible that password will grant an attacker access to the Gmail address also found in the POST data.

At a glance, all of the personal data discovered in the .cap file might appear harmless or innocuous, but inspecting just a few packets, I learned the target's real name, username, password, email address, home address, phone number, hardware manufacturer, operating system, browser fingerprint, web browsing habits, and more.

I have a question if the .cap file stores raw data packets from the router then why do we really need the password and the router name of the specific victim to decrypt their data.

Hmm, maybe I don't understand the question. The data collected by airodump is encrypted. If you import the .cap without first inputing the password:essid, the data can't be read by Wireshark. We input the password:essid into Wireshark so that it can decrypt the .cap.

I'm following every single step, I'm working on a local PoC at home, so I have kali installed and I ran all the stuff from there. I want to sniff my own traffic from my windows machine so I searched through many pages an made some POST and GET requests to get them cached by airodump, but when I stop the capture and open it using wireshark, I can't see any of that requests, am I doing something wrong? I also entered my network password into wireshark, but I see nothing when I open the capture and apply the http.request.method == "GET/POST" even if I only enter the "http" filter nothing shows up .

Play goes back and forth between the two teams, as many turns as it takes, until someone guesses the password. Once someone correctly guesses the password, the round is over, that team gets a point, and you start another round. Switch roles first, so Brooke and Donna are giving the clues and Ben and Dan are guessing. Every two rounds, switch which team goes first.

Depending on how you play, the game might also be a fun test as to how well two players know each other. If you are OK with using shared knowledge as clues, the more you know about your partner and the way they think, the better chance you have of figuring out their clues. For example, once when my husband and I were playing, the password was stomp. The other team had given the clue foot, and it was my turn to give my husband a clue. Our three-year-old daughter was going through a very stubborn phase where she was apt to throw mini tantrums, so I only had to say Annelise for my husband to know exactly what I was talking about. ?

As for what words to use, the word lists for catchphrase, either easy or medium, might work well. My online or app form word generator is a great resource. Multi-meaning words like organ and wave are always interesting, because the clue-givers can say any one-word clue they want, even if they use a different definition of the password that has previously been used. The same goes for words like coach or bruise that can be either verbs or nouns.

Rules: Like in catchphrase, rhyming words are not allowed as clues. So, for example, if the password were sassy and someone, after a few rounds, tried to use the word Lassie as a clue, that would be against the rules, because sassy and Lassie have no relation except for the fact that they rhyme (well, unless you have a pet dog named Lassie with some serious sass). The same goes for using clue words simply because they have the same first letter as the password.

  • Digital signaturesSecret-key encryption

  • Public-key encryption

  • Hashing and message authentication

  • Password based key derivation and password hashing


Depending on your keyboard and ProTools version, it is possible that characters that are necessary in order to enter your email address or password (e.g. the @-sign) into the activation dialog are captured by ProTools.


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